Sebastian Hallensleben Head of Digitalisation and AI(VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies)OECD AI Policy Observatory After a PhD in physics, Sebastian Hallensleben initially worked in various IT and leadership roles in telecoms and financial services. He later created strategies for the German government e.g. on high-tech research policy, open innovation and sustainable development. He advises companies and institutions on their digital transformation and has also worked on the creation and management of projects in developing countries, in particular in areas of waste management, water and energy. Today, Sebastian Hallensleben is Head of Digitalisation in one of the largest engineering associations (VDE e.V.) and focusses on innovative Trusted Information concepts. He also chairs the CEN-CENELEC JTC on Artificial Intelligence in Europe as well as the global IEC special group on AI ethics, leads the Trusted Information group at the EU observatory for ICT standardisation and contributes to the OECD ONE.AI expert panel as well as the social media working group at GPAI. He represents VDE at the Council of Europe.